SFC CLIPの活動場所である「ドコモハウス」。少し分かりにくい場所にあるので、こちらの記事で道順を確認しながら来てみてください!
SFC CLIP generally conducts its activities in Docomo House. Since the location is a little confusing, please refer to this page for directions to get there.

ドコモハウスへのアクセス・Getting to Docomo House

Although Docomo House is located in a place that is a bit difficult to understand, it is located approximately 40 seconds away from the "Keio University Honkan-mae" bus stop.

First, follow the narrow path you can see from the sign next to the bus stop.

Those visiting for the first time may think "Huh? Is this the correct way to go?", but this is fine. Muster your courage and follow the path into the forest.

そのまま進んだ先にある階段を登るとドコモハウスはすぐそこ! 上の写真では大部分が木々に隠れてしまっていますが、右側に写っている建物です。
As you walk up the stairs along the path, Docomo House will be located to your right! It may be slightly obscured in the above photo, but it is the building on the right.

The building you see when you reach the top of the stairs is Docomo House. The entrance is opposite the side shown in this image.

To get to the entrance, walk along the wooden path and turn right twice…

and you will reach the entrance. You can confirm "Docomo House" written on the side of the building and go inside!

迷った場合や迷う自信がある場合・In case you get lost or confused

Twitterアカウント@welcome_sfc、あるいはメール([email protected])にご連絡ください。SFC CLIP部員がお迎えに上がります。
You can contact us via Twitter (@welcome_sfc) or email ([email protected]). A member of SFC CLIP can come pick you up if you get lost.