「誰のためのデザイン?」著者 ドナルド・ノーマン氏講演
7月6日(水)3限、θ館にて、ドナルド・ノーマン氏の講演が開催される。講演のテーマは「Products with personality, products that have emotions」。慶應義塾大学の教職員・学生を対象としているが、学外からの参加も可能。
As products become smarter, as they have more and more sensors
and interactions with both the environment and people, a major new product category is emerging: products with personality and emotions.
Speak of innovation — this is a major area: ripe for exploration, ripe for improvement, and ripe for serious disillusionment and backlash.
Where are we going? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Do you really want to drive in a nervous car, live in a room that mirrors your moods, or worse, has its own? Although it is easy to poke fun at these concepts, there is no doubt that this is an important and real area forinnovation. Nervous cars are already on the market.