
On Thursday, June 2, exams for classes in the first half of the spring semester will be conducted. Grade reports for any half-semester classes will be available online starting June 21st at 9AM.

定期試験は2日(火) SFC-SFSで確認を


The exams will be conducted for the GIGA classes "Microeonomics 2" and "Macroeconomics 2". The non-GIGA classes "Strategic Management", "Global Governance", and "Career and Society" will hold exams. Please be aware of any classes which have exams conducted outside the normal examination period.

自分が該当する試験の形態や時間割は、SFC-SFS→[学事Web]→[学事Webシステム・各種アプリケーション 教育支援システム]→[試験科目時間割]で確認できる。通常の授業時限とは異なるため、受け忘れなどのミスをしないように、しっかりと確認しよう。

To check if any of your first-half semester classes have exams, please consult SFC-SFS→[Gakuji Web]→[Gakuji Web (Academic Affairs Web) System and Various Applications Education Support System]→[試験科目時間割]. The final exam schedule differs from the normal class timetable, so please take note.


To take a mid-term exam, you must present your student ID to the exam proctor. If you do not have your student ID, you can obtain a temporary student ID at the Academic Affairs Office, however, no accommodations will be made for any resulting delays.



Grade reports for classes held in the first half of the spring semester will be available online from Tuesday, June 21. Hard copies of the grade report will be mailed to guarantors following the end of the semester on September 5, 2016.
