WINE&CHOCOLATE 試飲・試食会 熊本チャリティーイベントのお知らせ
フリードマン研究会による「ワイン・チョコレート試飲・試食会 熊本チャリティーイベント」を5/25(水)に開催します。熊本への復興を願い、みんなで良いひと時を。成年の方のワイン試飲はもちろんの事、未成年の方へもチョコレート試食を準備しております、気軽にお立ち寄りください。また、オープンイベントですので、SFC生以外の参加も大歓迎です。みなさんでお越しください。
場所:慶應義塾大学湘南藤沢キャンパス SBCセンター
(全額寄付先Second Harvest 「」へ寄付)
The Freedman Lab is hosting a charity event on May 25, 2016 (Wednesday) for the Kumamoto earthquake. All donations will go to Second Harvest Food Bank which will help support the recovery and relief efforts in Kumamoto. Underage drinking is not allowed at this event. However, you are more than welcome to come and try the chocolates! Please bring your ID if you are drinking. This is an open event so anyone from outside of SFC is also welcome to come! Let’s all enjoy delicious wine, chocolate, and good company! Hope to see you all there!
Event Details:
Date: May 25, 2016 (Wednesday) 18:30-20:00
Venue: SBC Center
Entrance Fee: 500 yen
※Underage drinking is not allowed at this event.
※Please make sure to bring your ID on the day of the event.