Fall Circle Orientation Event 秋学期合同サークル新歓
The newly-founded International Student Association (ISA) at SFC will be hosting a fall circle orientation next Friday, October 14, from 4:30pm to 6:00pm in the south wing of the cafeteria. Although the event is aimed at helping new international students find a circle, all students are welcome, regardless of student year or status as an international student.
This event was created because students who enter SFC in the fall semester lack a traditional shinkan(新歓) week, unlike students who enter in the spring semester. In previous years, GIGA students with no Japanese ability have faced difficulties joining circles because there was no real way for them to interact with Japanese students outside of classes. As a result, the ISA sought to create an event to help international students acclimate to university life and find a circle. ISA hopes this event can serve as a starting point for both international students and Japanese students come together to have fun, participate in circle activities, and enjoy their university life. The ISA contacted circles that are open to non-Japanese speakers and worked with the Office of International Affairs to plan a circle orientation event. Currently, 22 circles are expected to attend.
Anyone interested in attending the event (including any circles interested in presenting) should refer to the following Facebook event or message ISA on Facebook.
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主催は新しく設立された留学生のための学生団体International Student Association(以下ISA)で、英語話者歓迎のサークルが合計22団体参加する。各サークルのブースを自由に回る形式で、英語が得意でない学生のほかに、春の新歓を逃してしまった学生も参加可能だ。